Are you qualified?


Teletherapy and Scope of Practice

Are you ready for teletherapeutic practice after COVID-19?

LPC Policy 30-1 provides guidance to the Colorado mental health community on the utilization of teletherapy.

When providing teletherapy, Policy 30-1 states counselors must ensure they are "practicing within [their] scope of practice."

But what does that mean?

It means more than simply having a master's degree. It is the rare exception for teletherapy to be covered in graduate counseling programs, so additional training on the implementation, ethics, challenges, and best practices is needed.

For a limited time, PESI is offering their 2-day Telehealth for Mental Health Professionals training for FREE. This training usually costs $439.99. However, using the promo code TELEFREE, mental health professionals can complete this training at no cost.

The CCA is not sure how long this will last.

So if you plan to provide teletherapy past COVID-19, now is the time to act.