2023 Annual Fall Conference

Proposal image (Updated)

You are not required to be a member of the CCA to submit a proposal. However, each presenter must have a profile within the CCA's system. Prior to submitting your proposal, please have each presenter complete a profile by clicking here.

Once you have completed a profile and reviewed the information below, click "Submit Proposalat the top of this page.

Members of the CCA

Review the CCA's guidelines and criteria below, then click "Submit a Proposalat the top of this page. 

Extended Proposal

Extended Proposal Timeline

  • April 4th, 2022: Announce Call for Proposals;
  • April 4th - July 8th, 2022 (Extended): Window for Submissions. Papers will not be accepted earlier than April 4th or after July 8th, 2022;
  • July 15th, 2022: Speakers Selected;
  • July 31st, 2022: Full Program Released.

Submission Options

For the Fall 2022 Conference, only 60 Minute Education Sessions are available.

Presentation Topics
  • Child and Adolescent Counseling
  • Counselor Education and Supervision
  • Trauma, Crisis, Suicide, Grief and Loss
  • Couples, Marriage, and Family Counseling
  • Ethics and Legal Issues
  • Military Issues and Veterans
  • Multicultural Diversity, Social Justice and LGBTQ+ issues
  • Private/Clinical Practice (assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, etc.)
  • Substance Use Disorders Treatment
  • Telemental Health and Related Issues
  • Wellness and Self-Care
Presentation Information
Requested in the Proposal

Please note: you are not able to "Save Your Progress" in the proposal process.

  • Session Presenter(s) Name
  • Title of Session (Max of 100 characters);
  • File Upload: Option to upload a document, such as a Word document, with all requested proposal information;
  • Level of highest relevant degree currently held;
  • License(s);
  • Primary Session Presenter Qualifications (Max of 500 characters);
  • Program Summary: Used in Conference Mobile Program (Max of 400 characters);
  • Educational Content: A brief academic summary of the content you intend to present on. (Max of 2000 characters);
  • Learning Objectives of Session: Strong objectives answer the question, "Participants in this educational session will be able to..." You are asked to submit a minimum of three objectives, but no more than five;
  • Session Topic: See Suggested Presentation Topics listed above;
  • References: A preliminary list of academic/scholarly sources you expect will inform your session.
Saving your Proposal

The CCA strongly recommends retaining a copy of your proposal for future reference. If selected to present, reviewing your proposal will be beneficial.

Rubric and
Scoring Process

Submitted proposals are blind-reviewed and scored by a minimum of three professional counselors. Presenter names are withheld from the reviewer, while all other information is made available to the reviewers, including any file uploads.

Proposals are scored using a standardized rubric. Each rubric row is scored on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 being the highest score one can earn in each row. The score for each row is totaled and submitted as a single score to the Conference Committee for consideration.

Rubric Rows
  • The proposal is written in a clear, professional style;
  • The rationale for why this topic/presentation is needed is strong and persuasive;
  • Proposal objectives show clear expectations for the participants' learning;
  • The topic/presentation would attract mental health professionals and attendees;
  • The presentation would actively engage those attending the session;
  • The presentation would present sound, useful, new information.
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