LPC Supervisor Training
The CCA Governing Council fully supports the changes brought on by the Mental Health Sunset Act. However, there is concern that in certain areas of the state, access to a LPC clinical supervisor who meets the new requirements may be challenging.
To address this issue, the CCA invested over $7,000 to develop an accessible online training that covers the seven content areas discussed in Rule 1.7.
Partnering with Francisca Mix, Christine Murphy, Dr. Thomas Doroff, Khara Crosswaite-Brindle, Dr. Samuel Kohlenberg, Dr. Ryan M. Burkhart, and Trever Shirin the CCA began filming the LPC Supervision training in the fall of 2020.
The CCA will launch this online-based training in April 2021, giving LPCs ample time to receive the required training in all seven content areas.
This training will be available to all mental health professionals, regardless of CCA membership or DORA designation.