The CCA Governing Council Read-Ahead is comprehensive summary of your progress on key initiatives, tasks, and responsibilities for the Governing Council to review and consider. A thorough, organized, and detailed read-ahead is fundamental to a constructive and solution-oriented council meeting.
Your read-ahead should empower the Governing Council to brainstorm ideas ahead of time, allowing them to attend the meeting with prepared feedback, suggestions, and questions. In essence, the read-ahead is the meeting before the meeting.
Below is the read-ahead form. This form is submitted to the CCA Secretary, who compiles the information into a single report. That report is provided to the Governing Council at least 10 days before the next Governing Council meeting. The form below assumes you have a subcommittee; however, if you do not have a committee, please respond to the form as best as possible.
You are encouraged to take full advantage of the file upload option below. While the form collects general information, the file you upload should provide a robust and detailed summary of your work.
2022 Governing Council Meeting Dates:
January 29, 2022
April 30, 2022
August 20, 2022
November 5, 2022