Looking Back, Looking Forward
Dr. Ryan M. Burkhart, CCA Executive Director
January 20, 2023
As the CCA begins working on our 2023 initiatives, it is natural to consider our past. Over the years, the CCA's accomplishments have directly empowered mental health services, equipped professional counselors in Colorado, and advocated for your work as counselors in a way no one else has.
In 2016, in partnership with the various mental health branches, the CCA hosted Dr. Irvin Yalom at one of the largest mental health conferences Colorado has ever seen. That same year, we passed HB16-1103, creating the Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate.
In 2018, the CCA began working on the Mental Health Sunset Act, addressing Parts 1, 2, and 6 of Title 12 Article 245, the laws that govern professional counselors. Two years of work culminated in 2020 with the passing of HB20-1206, which updated our laws and brought us current with professional standards and brought greater accountability to LPCs providing clinical supervision.
In 2019, the CCA was involved with drafting the language of two bills that have significantly impacted our practice: HB19-1120 Youth Suicide Prevention and HB19-1129 Conversion Therapy Ban on Minors.
In 2020, the CCA began working on the Colorado Counseling Association's Continuing Education Program, or CCACE (pronounced case). For years, CCA's current President-Elect Elect, Trever Shirin, has partnered with Colorado leaders to create online and on-demand trainings, focusing on supervision, multicultural case conceptualization, suicide and self-harm, the use of psychedelic-assisted therapy (do you know about Prop 122?), adventure-based therapy, the jurisprudence exam, the use of metaphors in counseling, and on Colorado state law, rules and policies such as our continuing professional development requirements (August 31st is coming soon!).
This past year, the CCA held two conferences: the Foundations Student Conference, hosted by Regis University, and our Annual Conference at Copper Mountain resort. After years of delaying or canceling conferences due to COVID, the CCA was excited to begin providing these types of events once again. The feedback we received from vendors, sponsors, and conference attendees was deeply encouraging and affirming of the hard work that went into these events.
So what is happening in 2023?
A lot!
The CCA has been heavily involved in legislative efforts already. For several months, the CCA legislation committee has been consulting on bills that would empower or greatly hinder professional counselors and the mental health profession in Colorado.
For 2023, the CCA's legislative efforts will center on the LPCC. There are many issues with the LPCC application process. These challenges confuse new professionals entering our field and negatively impact mental health access and our workforce, inappropriately inhibiting some from becoming an LPC.
In April, the CCA will host our annual student conference, Foundations. This conference is CCA's investment in our counselors in training, who will soon be our colleagues and leaders. Specifically for students and counselor educators, this unique aspect of CCA is rarely found in any other state. Students may submit proposals at the CCA's website through February.
In August, the CCA will hold our Annual Conference at Keystone. Kim Collins, CEO of North Range Behavioral Health, will keynote this exciting event. Nearly 40 breakout sessions, sponsors, vendors, guest speakers, and pre-conference workshops make this the most important event for professional counselors in Colorado. Early bird rates are available through February 1st.
Through 2023, the CCA will devote much time and effort to the rule-making process for the LPC Interstate Compact. The CCA passed SB22-077 this past year, bringing Colorado into the Interstate Compact. As the Compact Commission begins meeting in preparation for the compact "going live" in late 2023/early 2024, the CCA is working to ensure the professional counselor identity is maintained and empowered.
The CCA is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of our new website and member management system. As we have polled our members recently, we have heard a common theme: the website is challenging. Website migration is a significant financial and time commitment, but this initiative is essential for our member experience. The Governing Council approved this initiative in the spring of 2022, and began working immediately. We plan to launch the new site by May 2023.
In closing, I want to say thank you to current and past Governing Council members. The CCA Governing Council is composed of volunteers. It is led by students and professionals who have chosen to give their time in support of you. It is often difficult to find time in the midst of school, work, and the demands of life, but these people have and do find time. Thank you for serving our profession.
All to say, the CCA Governing Council is honored and excited to support you in 2023. Your membership supports our efforts, and we are truly grateful. Thank you for not only joining us but for the work you do with our neighbors and communities.

Dr. Ryan M. Burkhart
Colorado Counseling Association,
Executive Director