2023 CCA Student Conference


In partnership with 

The Colorado Counseling Association Presents 


The Colorado Counseling Association is pleased to host a conference exclusively for counselors-in-training and counselor educators. This conference is significantly discounted for CCA student members and counselor educators.

The event will include masters and doctorate level student presenters chosen from among the student community in Colorado through an academic proposal process. All speaker and presenter topics will focus a student's first year after graduation.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certificates will be made available for those in attendance which are good for state licensure requirements.

Date: Saturday, April 29th, 2023

Updated Location: Colorado Christian University, Leprino Hall, 8787 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood, CO 80226

Newly minted and experienced counselors face daunting challenges to determine underlying causes and conditions that plague clients who suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder and complex trauma and bereavement. Participants will utilize take-home tools to provide specified assessment of impacts, integrative treatment plans, and holistic approaches for treatment. Participants will learn how to identify, address, and bridge the barriers to communication between counselors and clients with invisible disabilities. Special attention will be placed on the importance of learning the client's holistic communicative language, such as body, verbal, auditory, artistic, written, etc. when working with a client experiencing communication barriers.    

Call for

Call for Proposals


The 2022 Colorado Counseling
Student Conference

Call for Proposals

The Colorado Counseling Association is proud to host the 2022 Student Conference. Included in this conference experience will be comprehensive educational opportunities presented by or for the mental health professional student. Only counselors-in-training and counselor educators may attend this conference.

Please read the information below thoroughly.

Proposal Portal

Click here to access the proposal portal.

Timeline of Events

December 8th, 2021 - Call for Proposals
December 8th, 2021 - January 31st, 2022 - Window for Submissions
February 7th, 2022– Presentation offers will be emailed
February 15th, 2022- Presenters must confirm intent to present

Submission Specifics

  • Note: The 2022 conference the foundational aspects of counseling, empowering students in their first year following a graduation. Strong presentations will demonstrate this emphasis. 
  • Each session will be for 50 minutes.
  • Ideally, students partner with a professor at their institution who mentors them through the proposal process.

Newly minted and experienced counselors face daunting challenges to determine underlying causes and conditions that plague clients who suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder and complex trauma and bereavement. Participants will utilize take-home tools to provide specified assessment of impacts, integrative treatment plans, and holistic approaches for treatment. Participants will learn how to identify, address, and bridge the barriers to communication between counselors and clients with invisible disabilities. Special attention will be placed on the importance of learning the client's holistic communicative language, such as body, verbal, auditory, artistic, written, etc. when working with a client experiencing communication barriers.    




CCA 2022 Student Conference Keynote Speaker

Dr. S. Kent Butler

70th President of the American Counseling Association


Dr. Butler began serving as the American Counseling Association’s 70th president on July 1, 2021, after serving as ACA President-Elect for the prior year.

S. Kent Butler, Jr. holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, with a concentration in Counseling Psychology, from the University of Connecticut. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC), and Nationally Certified School Counselor (NCSC). Dr. Butler presently serves as President of the American Counseling Association (2021-2022) and is an ACA Fellow. Dr. Butler formerly served the University of Central Florida as the Interim Chief Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Officer and is a National Association of Chief Diversity Officer in Higher Education Fellow (2020-2021). In March of 2020, he was selected as a Fellow within the National Association of Chief Diversity Officer in Higher Education’s Chief Diversity Officer Fellows Program (NADOHE-CDOFP). He is a 2020 – 2021 cohort (C-7) member. The professional leadership program mentors new and early career Chief Diversity Officers. Dr. Butler was also recently promoted to Professor of Counselor Education at the University of Central Florida and has served as a Faculty Fellow for Inclusive Excellence within the Office of the Provost.

Dr. Butler presently serves as faculty advisor to CHI SIGMA IOTA International Honor Society (CSI), the Counselor Education Doctoral Student Organization (CEDSO), Project for Haiti Knights, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). He served as the Principal Investigator, for The High-Risk Delinquent and Dependent Child Educational Research Project: Situational Environmental Circumstances Mentoring Program (SEC), which was a partnership between the University of Central Florida and several Florida universities. This grant opportunity has transitioned into the UCF Young Knights Mentoring Project a program that supports students at Hungerford Elementary School in Eatonville, FL.

Also on the national level, Dr. Butler has served the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD) as the 2011 – 2012 President and ACA Governing Council Representative (2015 – 2018). He is a proud member of AMCD’s Multicultural Counseling Competencies Revisions Committee which produced the Multicultural Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCC). His research and academic interests lie in the areas of Multicultural and International Counseling, Social Justice, Mentoring, Counseling work as it relates specifically to African American males, Group Counseling, School Counseling, and Multicultural Supervision.


Newly minted and experienced counselors face daunting challenges to determine underlying causes and conditions that plague clients who suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder and complex trauma and bereavement. Participants will utilize take-home tools to provide specified assessment of impacts, integrative treatment plans, and holistic approaches for treatment. Participants will learn how to identify, address, and bridge the barriers to communication between counselors and clients with invisible disabilities. Special attention will be placed on the importance of learning the client's holistic communicative language, such as body, verbal, auditory, artistic, written, etc. when working with a client experiencing communication barriers.    




To print off the full program, click here.

Diagnosis: Label or Lighthouse?

Dr. Jim Bixler

Presentation Description: As mental health professionals we hear a lot of ideas and opinions about the purposes of diagnosis around mental health. This grows more and more true as mental health awareness grows and more and more of professional mental health language enters the modern colloquial. There is then an implicit pull for many mental health professionals to take up the public’s perceptions and meanings back to the profession. One area we have seen this is in what a diagnosis is, what it isn’t and what it means for clients. Yet what the public does with diagnostics and how they view it should not blind us to how they are most valuable, as a lighthouse to help the client in treatment. Can they become labels? Yes. But what are we as mental health professionals supposed to be doing with diagnostics? How can we model to our clients and the public a better and more helpful approach, that does not loose sight of what diagnostics should be?

Do You See My Disability?

Paul Schumacher

Presentation Description: More than 25% of Americans have some type of disability (Marini & Stebnicki, 2017). Each has unique issues they deal with on a regular basis, oftentimes hidden from others around them. Mental health professionals need to be open and compassionate, walking alongside their clients so they are not alone in their struggles. There are also exceptional traits to be learned from people with disabilities.



Level Up: Foundational Knowledge on Determining the Proper Level of Care for Individuals with Eating Disorders

Lindsey Locker

Presentation Description:  While the prevalence of eating disorder diagnoses rises within the mental health world, the preparedness of counselors in understanding and combating this illness is minimal. This presentation will provide students with a foundational knowledge of evidence- based treatment modalities for individuals with eating disorders and deciphering the proper level of care for clients that are struggling.

Animals in the Playroom? Getting Started with Animal Assisted Play Therapy


Evan Woodall

Presentation Description: Many counselors take their pets to the office with little to no training for themselves or their pets. Animal Assisted Play Therapy is an intervention based on the human-animal relationship and willing participation of the animal. This training will discuss the differences between types of services dogs, ethics, and the Animal Assisted Play Therapy training process.

Applying Attachment Theory: Understanding How Attachment Style Influences Professional Behavior

Megan Silberhorn

Presentation Description: This presentation provides an overview of Attachment Theory, experimental findings of Bowlby & Ainsworth, and the four attachment styles. Report on empirical research including challenges in and results of therapeutic relationships and job satisfaction statistics. Overview of positive and negative aspects of relationship building. Finally, methods for securing attachment in insecure therapists.



Navigating Complex Trauma and Bereavement: Integrative Assessment and Holistic Treatment Planning


Abigail Crispin and Ahnisa Klu

Presentation Description:



Use of Assessments for Beginner Counselors


Thomas Lambert

Presentation Description: The use of assessments is universally accepted among the counseling and psychology professionals, but sometimes the results can be misleading. The assessment can allow a professional to apply a diagnosis without incurring unnecessary liability upon the clinician. However, it can also lead to over diagnosis or even misdiagnosis (Gonzalez et al., 2021).


Mental Health Ethical and Legal Issues in Colorado

Robert A. Lees and Associates

Presentation Description: Robert A. Lees & Associates devotes a large part of our practice to serving the unique needs of mental health professionals and organizations. This presentation will focus on grievances, company formation, practice forms and all things related to beginning a private practice.

The multicultural, professional, and relational benefits of student-faculty mentorship in counselor education and supervision


Kelsey Armeni

Presentation Description: Mentorship relationships between students and faculty in counselor education and supervision promote professional confidence, connection, and multicultural benefits. Mentorship is consistent with CACREP's mandate in CES to create and support inclusive learning environments, and to promote long-term professional confidence, meaningful relationships, and reduce marginalized isolation in students.



Slow is Smooth, and Smooth is Fast



Donal Maloy

Presentation Description: "Slow is Smooth, and Smooth is Fast" is a military term meaning to slow down the mechanics of a process in order to perfect it. This presentation will cover self-care and the archaic design of mission first after service. This presentation defines and discusses how a Battle Drill can still serve veterans after service, provided we define it differently and learn to process emotions instead of compartmentalizing them.


Counseling Practice: Communication Barriers Among People with Invisible Disabilities



Lisa Ansell and Veronica Conley

Presentation Description:



The Pathway to Licensure in Colorado: the LPCC and the LPC



Dr. Ryan M. Burkhart

Presentation Description: Given by the CCA Executive Director, Dr. Ryan M. Burkhart will speak on the licensure process in Colorado, specifically helping students understand the rules, policies, and laws they must meet post-degree to become licensed. 



Newly minted and experienced counselors face daunting challenges to determine underlying causes and conditions that plague clients who suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder and complex trauma and bereavement. Participants will utilize take-home tools to provide specified assessment of impacts, integrative treatment plans, and holistic approaches for treatment. Participants will learn how to identify, address, and bridge the barriers to communication between counselors and clients with invisible disabilities. Special attention will be placed on the importance of learning the client's holistic communicative language, such as body, verbal, auditory, artistic, written, etc. when working with a client experiencing communication barriers.    

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