Lobby Day

Thursday, February 25th, 2016, 9:00am - 3:00pm

Come join 150-250 mental health professionals as we prepare to lobby at our state capitol. This event is co-hosted by the CCA and NASWCO. We will be joined by our shared contract lobbyist group who will guide us throughout the day first beginning with an orientation.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about our legislative process, advocacy efforts, and how to engage in lobbying. For those who are a bit intimidated by the idea of lobbying, not to worry. You can shadow others who will walk you though each step. If you prefer to simply observe, that is just fine too. We develop an impact with strength in numbers alone.

All students, new, working, and retired mental health professionals are encouraged to join. Professors are encouraged to bring their classes.

All Mental Health Associations are welcome to collaborate with us. Please contact our Executive Director, Sean Boyd @ SBoyd@ColoradoCounselingAssociation.org.